The Gleaner

CVR launches new foundation to encourage student participation

le lundi 26 novembre 2018
Modifié à 14 h 30 min le 26 novembre 2018

Sarah Rennie - Long reputed for its co- and extra-curricular programs, Chateauguay Valley Regional High School has now launched a new foundation to ensure students from all socio-economic backgrounds are able to participate fully in school activities. The Student Activity Sponsorship Society (SASS) has been established as a registered Canadian charity to offer financial aid to students while they are studying at CVR. With a mission to “help students maximize their co- and extra-curricular participation in activities while at CVR,” the SASS foundation was officially launched during a staff meeting on Friday, November 23. The program is now accepting financial donations as well as gently used sports or music equipment. “CVR is a special place that offers such a wide variety of activities to suit all types of personalities and interests, that it seems a shame when a student or group of students cannot partake because of money,” said SASS Chairperson and CVR teacher Mary Sauvé. Activities in which students will now be able to widely participate are not limited to sports, rather they encompass a vast diversity of options including field trips (day and overnight), guest speakers and theatre troupes, student conferences, sports teams / seasons, various clubs, the prom and other dances, leadership and the arts, as well as myriad other activities. A long time coming The Student Activity Sponsorship Society is something that has been bantered about for at least six years, says Ms. Sauvé, who suggests there was an obvious need to help students while at CVR in similar fashion to the CVR Educational Foundation, which supports students upon graduation. The Board of Directors for the foundation was established in the fall of 2017, with six members including representatives from CVR as well as the broader community. For CVR Principal Brigitte Barrette, the SASS will become instrumental in breaking down the cycle of poverty. “For us, it is paramount that each and every student be given a chance to bloom regardless of their socio-economic background. SASS is yet another very valuable partner which helps in providing equal access to all,” she said, while noting the many ways in which participating in school activities can enhance the school experience for students while at the same time allowing them to feel valued as members of society. Looking for donations “Already we are seeing an important show of support as donations have started to come in,” added Principal Barrette. “It is heartwarming and extremely touching to see alumni and community members alike invested in our Valley youth and their future,” she continued, before thanking the “founders of this Foundation for their hard work, determination and vision as well as our faculty for their ongoing investment in our students.” The staff at CVR have been asked to submit application forms for individual student sponsorship by December 7, with the goal of releasing funds by the end of January or earlier if possible. “We want to get some money out there to help CVR students as soon as possible, but need donations to make this happen,” stated Ms. Sauvé, acknowledging the Board of Directors would love to see the community and vast network of alumni help support this initiative.” For more information on the new SASS foundation, or to make a donation, contact CVR at 450-829-2381 or email Mary Sauvé at A donation form will also be posted online on the CVR website at

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