The Gleaner

Rockburn Carolers Dedicated to Spreading Holiday Cheer

le mardi 20 décembre 2016
Modifié à 0 h 00 min le 20 décembre 2016

Made up of approximately twenty locals, the Rockburn Carolers have been singing together for over half a decade. Initially founded by the late Harley Bye, the group is an extension of the Rockburn Presbyterian Church.

This year, the group is led by Kevin Harvey and Eric Pritchard. Beginning rehearsal in November, the Carolers use their talents to spread cheer across the Chateauguay Valley, performing at twelve venues, with eight of the locations being long-term care facilities (including Huntingdon’s La Maison de la Renaissance and Ormstown’s Maison la Source Bleu). The singers follow a rigorous schedule, performing almost daily for two weeks, singing classics such as “Go Tell it on the Mountain” and “O Holy Night”. As per tradition, the Rockburn Carolers played the Rockburn Pub again this year, engaging the audience with an interactive performance.

On the Sunday evening of December 18th, the group handed out a program that included close to sixty carols. The singers were harmonious throughout every song, with several soloists shining at the restaurant’s 4:30 P.M show, including Norm Rennie, Elizabeth Waller and Eric Pritchard. Their holiday spirit was nothing sort of contagious on Sunday night, offering up some much needed warmth on an icy night.